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China National Titanium Corporation launches Fire Protection Month activity

Author:Time:2023-11-09Return to List

November 9th this year is the 32nd National Fire Day, with the theme of "prevention first, life first". In order to vigorously promote the popularization of fire laws and regulations and fire safety knowledge, actively encourage employees to pay attention to fire safety, learn about fire safety, and participate in fire safety, and improve the fire safety quality of all employees, in accordance with the requirements of the company's fire safety publicity month activities and based on the actual situation of the company, on October 7th, the company organized the launch ceremony of the 2023 fire safety publicity month.

Prevention first, life first




Unify thinking, enhance awareness, strengthen sense of responsibility, urgency, and mission

All units should unify their thinking, raise awareness, and effectively enhance their sense of responsibility, urgency, and mission to do a good job in fire safety work. They should closely integrate with the "119" fire safety publicity month activities, solidly carry out fire safety management work, and improve the company's fire safety management level.


Strengthen measures, focus on implementation, and widely carry out publicity and education

Strengthen measures, focus on implementation, widely carry out publicity and education, enhance fire safety training and fire hazard investigation and rectification work, and strive to eliminate and reduce various fire hazards.


Advance planning of drill plans and high-quality organization of fire emergency drill activities

Plan the drill plan in advance, organize high-quality fire emergency drill activities, comprehensively enhance the response and disposal capabilities of employees and the public to sudden fire accidents, and ensure the effectiveness of the drill activities

On November 10th, distinctive themed activities will be organized, such as distributing fire safety manuals, watching accident warning education videos, speech competitions, prize winning Q&A sessions, practical training, equipment exhibitions, fire accident drills, and more. Through a series of activities, we aim to promote everyone's mastery of fire prevention knowledge, firefighting skills, and escape methods, further enhancing the fire safety awareness and self prevention and self rescue abilities of all staff.