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State titanium shares held to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party and "July 1" commendation conference

Author:National Titanium lnc.Time:2024-07-04Return to List

On the afternoon of July 1, 2024, the Party Committee of China Titanium Shares held a celebration of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party and the "July 1" commendation conference. More than 60 people participated in the meeting, including members of the Party committee, the leadership team, the secretary of each branch, the person in charge of each unit, representatives of party members, activists and the secretary of the league branch, Wuding State Titanium, Gansu State titanium video branch venue, presided over by the Party secretary, General manager Li Jianjun.


Party Secretary, General manager Li Jianjun presided over

"Arise, people who do not want to be slaves..." In the loud and solemn national anthem, the conference officially began. "I voluntarily join the Communist Party of China, support the Party's program, and abide by the Party's constitution..." All the participating party members stood up to review the oath of membership, and the firm and powerful voice echoed throughout the audience.


All Party members renew their oath of membership

After taking the oath, Comrade Li Guangchun, member of the Party Committee and secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, conveyed the spirit of the meeting of the leading Group of Party Building work of the central, provincial and State Party Committees and the spirit of the Longbai Group to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party and the spirit of the July 1st Commendation Conference. Huang Haiguang, deputy general manager of the company, read out the "Decision on Recognizing Outstanding Communist Party Members in 2024", and Li Jianjun, Party secretary and general manager, issued honorary certificates and took photos for outstanding Communist Party representatives.


Li Jianjun presented awards to outstanding Communist Party representatives

At the meeting, representatives of outstanding Communist Party members exchanged speeches.

In his speech, Party Secretary and General manager Li Jianjun expressed sincere thanks to the hard-working party members and cadres and employees, and congratulated the advanced party members who were honored. At the same time, the party branches and the majority of party members and cadres, put forward new requirements and new hopes.

First, we must give full play to the role of Party organizations at all levels as fighting fortresses.To achieve the goals and tasks of the company, the grass-roots party organization is an important foundation and a strong guarantee. All grass-roots party organizations must pay attention to strengthening and improving party building work, raise the level of party building work, enhance the comprehensive quality of party affairs workers, give full play to the role of grass-roots organizations as fighting fortresses, and promote the realization of production and management goals.

Party building work should be fully integrated into production and operation, transformed into "visible and tangible" productivity, promote the Party's political advantages, organizational advantages, and mass work advantages into enterprise management advantages, competitive advantages, and development advantages, and achieve the win-win goal of party building improvement and enterprise development.

Second, we must give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members.How the vanguard role of party members is played is most directly reflected in their own work and their own posts. No matter what we do, we must make a name for ourselves and create extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions. To start from the post, do the things that should be done well, adhere to a high level of performance of responsibilities, high standards to do a good job, and efficiently complete the task. Really do the usual work to see, stand up at difficult times, rush up at key moments, and truly become the backbone and backbone of uniting and leading the broad masses of workers to successfully complete various work tasks.

Party members and cadres should also follow the example of party discipline and state laws, carry forward the new style and integrity, and do clean work. In particular, Party members and cadres in important positions should lead by example, always be self-respecting, introspection, and self-discipline. Properly handle the relationship between the interests of enterprises and individuals, clear and clean life, clean work.

Third, we should take this meeting as an opportunity to strengthen confidence and unify our thinking.In the past year, with the joint efforts of the majority of Party members, cadres and employees, the production capacity of titanium sponge has reached 80,000 tons/year, ranking first in the world, and the production and operation have achieved good results. At the same time, the external environment we now face has become more complex and grim. The internal power of the domestic economy is not strong, the global economic growth is slowing down, and the market volatility is intensifying, which will bring great tests to the company's production and operation.

In the face of challenges, we must also see the favorable situation we are currently facing. First, the Party's "20 National Congress" was held, which provided huge policy, market and environmental opportunities for the high-quality development and growth of private enterprises. Second, since the beginning of this year, China's society has fully resumed normal operation, the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shock, and weakening expectations has been eased, market demand has gradually recovered, and there are many favorable conditions for the continuation of economic recovery.


Video sub-conference scene

2024 is a key year for the company to deeply implement the spirit of the Party's "20 Major Congress" and accelerate the pace of high-quality development, and it is also a key year for the company to fully realize the goals of the "14th Five-Year Plan" development plan. In the face of new tasks and challenges in the second half of the year, let us continue to carry forward the fine tradition of the Party, cast a hard style, build a strong team, lay a solid foundation, forge ahead hand in hand, and contribute to the successful completion of various objectives and tasks.